Thursday, October 12, 2006

Rebirth of the Obertian

Darn! It's been ages ago when I last updated this Blog. It was... ironically... exactly a year ago. I couldn't even remember the last thing that I posted here. Where in the freakin' world was I during those 365 days that I couldn't even pay sojourn with my own Blog? Argh... I just became a father, that's all. A happy, contented, overworked, blissful father. Did I miss anything? Nah! I have everything already. All the treasures in life anyone could wish for in this damn life. All within my family. My wife and baby Gelii who completed it all.

But wait... there's more! Here's a reborn Obertian in my whole existence. A whole-new Obert who has just gasped in the first oxygen of the new world he's living in. Now, he's fast and furiously growing. Like a moss in an idle stone. Like a poison ivy climbing up in medieval walls. Deceitful, treacherous, full of animosity... but immaculately clean.

Grow up, Obert! You are born again!!! Nyahahaha....

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