After watching Star Wars 3 and have gotten yourself engrossed with the superb digital effects and Dolby stereo which could pop your timpanic membrane up, get your ass home and watch Star Wars 4 via DVD to reconcile how the movie ended with how A New Hope started. Eeuuw! I bet you'd turn the DVD player off and opt to watch Kamao series instead (while munching your leftover popcorn since you can't eat `em inside the theater due to your mesmerism over the movie).
I don't remember having seen the first trilogy since I bet I wasn't born yet when these three invaded cinemas worldwide. All I knew is that a lot of freebies i.e. mugs, caps, miniature characters, shirts; with all Star Wars characters and other what-nots printed on these mega-expensive items are being sold in all participating stores. I don't remember exactly how I got addicted to this movie (not necessarily with the plot, cause it's really futile) to the extent that I think I am a Darth and even naming myself one. I don't know how I got into Tatooine but I have envisioned myself I suddenly sprouted in Sith, so I became the King of this place (I don't even know where this was). Bottomline is... I am a Jedi, an evil one. You can't track my story in the six episodes coz it's not in there. My biography alone as Darth Obert is even more than those 6 episodes which made George Lucas a rich man.
When Star Wars 1 was shown in the Philippines, I was there at the first-day showing in SM City along with my friend Aldwin (I don't know where he is now, he's also a Jedi) and since we're still students at that time, we didn't eat popcorn. We only had enough money to buy tickets. Since then, I have memorized all the characters in the movie, and gets troubled pronouncing "Shmi." Few years after, here came Star Wars 2 and I was already in my internship. Again on the first showing day, we all gathered to the nearest mall to catch the Attack of the Clones (wondering to see a story of how Taiwan-made PCs conquered Greenhills) along with my co-interns from DLSU and our Clinical Supervisor sir Jhun (who I think is Jabba the Hut at that time). As soon as "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." starts scrolling the screen, my jaw starts to lock in awe and fascination. I'm a Jedi once again! And after the curtain calls, it's the same old crap. We contributed to make George Lucas to become four million richer again. We fooled ourselves more than he fooled us.
Since I am Darth Obert and my wife's conceiving a child in her womb right now, who could it be? If he's a he, shall I name him Skywalker? Or if she's a she, shall I call her... uhmm, Starapple? Does that sound very Star Wars-y name?
Just meet me in the movies. May the FORCE be with you... and also with you.